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Le Saint-Jeannois is published 10 times a year, with a regional distribution of 1750 copies. The newspaper reaches all regions of Greater Saint John. Le Saint-Jeannois is available for free in kiosks and stores in the area. More specifically, Le Saint-Jeannois is distributed to parents who have children attending the Centre scolaire communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain, French immersion schools, parishioners of the Saint-François-de-Sales church and many other groups. The newspaper also reaches many offices and businesses. It is also available through distribution boxes in the city. You can read Le Saint-Jeannois on Internet at

Readership Profile

In 2011, Statistics Canada established that the metropolitan region of Saint John was home to almost 6000 francophones, while it was reported that around 19000 bilingual people were living in the region. Our estimates shot that Le Saint-Jeannois reaches some 5600 readers every month. It is a popular publication amongst francophones looking for new services provided in French by the local businesses. The newspaper is also used in class at the Centre scolaire Samuelde- Champlain as well as in the vast network of regional schools offering French immersion programs. In addition, many French enthusiasts enjoy reading this publication in order to learn about the many events of Saint John’s French community.